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Feeling stressed? This 5 minute meditation will help


Feeling the Monday blues? Or generally feel your stress levels are on the rise? Relieve any tension in your body with mindfulness expert Neil Seligman’s five minute meditation 

Do you feel like your stress levels are always there – sometimes high sometimes low, but always, there. You can’t seem to beat it? But you can.

Neil Seligman, meditation expert and founder of The Conscious Professional has a calming five minute meditation to crack your stress levels.

It can be useful at the end of a busy, stressful day. Seligman invites you to drop into his meditation practice by comfortably closing your eyes (or you can leave them open) and bringing your attention to your breath; letting go of the day’s demands

As you feel the sensations of your breath, you start to feel the temperature, texture and velocity of the air circulating through your nose and your body.

This gentle invitation allows you to focus on any tension and tightness at the back of your shoulders, observing that feeling and gradually letting go before slowly moving onto your eyes.

Meditation provides just that as a study published in Psychiatry Research showed how an eight week meditation programme changed the concentration levels in the brain of participants in a more positive way as they appeared to have stronger memory and learning processes and increased self focus.

With meditation, there are no success measures but just pure observation.

You then begin to flow into your mind as you question what it will feel like to just let go. Even if it’s just two percent, witness it all through your mind with every deep inhale and exhale.


Neil Seligman is dedicated to sharing the power of mindfulness globally, transforming lives, and inspiring excellence in all aspects of human endeavour.

He is the author of 100 Mindfulness Meditations and Conscious Leadership, and the Originator of Soul Portrait Photography.

As a sought after expert, Neil has worked with firms such as Netflix, Accenture and Warner Brothers and has been featured by the BBC, The Mirror, Yoga Magazine, Psychologies, OmYoga Magazine and many more.


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