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Natural Highs

Got depression? Here’s why taking omega 3s could help


Healthista’s latest information video series covers natural highs – today, Nutrition Director Rick Hay explains why omega-3 fatty acids is so important if you suffer from low level anxiety and depression 

Over the past decade we have developed a vast understanding of what the body needs to function optimally. Nutrients, minerals and vitamins have a key role to play in the way we feel mentally and there are a number of supplements and superfoods that can act as natural highs to boost mood, energy, improve sleep and give us a sense of well being. One of those is omega-3.

Rick Hay, Healthista’s Nutrition Director says: ‘Omega-3 found in fish oil contains both DHA and EPA, these are the fatty acids found in fish oil that contribute to healthy brain function, stimulating the brain’s neurotransmitters, which effectively boosts mood and could reduce anxiety and depression.

‘If you have problems sleeping this could be due to your melatonin levels being low, this is the hormone that regulates sleep, during the evenings we tend to have an increase in melatonin levels and this help us to feel tired and fall asleep. The DHA fatty acid helps to normalise any imbalance of melatonin and result in a better nights sleep.

‘If you’re looking for a vegan option you can try algae oil, this provides good levels of DHA. Try taking omega-3 as a daily supplement and take as directed on the product.’

TRY: Pharma Nord Bio-Fish Oil 1000mg, £12.95 for 160 capsules

More in Healthista’s Natural Highs series:

Why take St John\s Wort?

Why your body needs magnesium


Rick Hay is an Anti-Ageing and Fitness Nutritionist with many years clinical experience in nutrition, naturopathy, botanical medicine and iridology. He specializes in obesity treatment and weight management. He writes a regular Natural Health and Fitness Blog for Healthista. Find out more at Follow Rick on Twitter @rickhayuk


rick hay anti ageing fitness plan

Rick Hays book the Anti Ageing Food and Fitness Plan is available to buy on Amazon. 


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