Just because we’re all in self-isolation, doesn’t mean we’re ignoring the fact it’s workout Wednesday. Health and fitness coach Helle Hammonds is here with three sweat-inducing workouts that you can do in just 30 minutes
So it’s official – after affecting thousands, the coronavirus has now caused the UK to go into ‘lockdown’ for at least the next three weeks.
That means we aren’t allowed to leave our houses more than once a day to exercise or we could face a fine – there goes our plan to jog around the block every other hour just to get out of the house.
Now more than ever we are all in need of some truly effective home workouts that not only get our heart rate up, but workouts that leave us sweaty and ever so slightly sore the next day.
Want a challenge? The Healthista 30 day home workout challenge starts here
Healthista have enlisted special guest, Helle Hammonds a fitness and health coach, to deliver sweat-inducing home workouts that really work.
These workouts are designed and delivered by Helle Hammonds and are time-efficient high intensity that yields results.
Helle has long been praised for her effectiveness with motivation and professional-level sculpting techniques.
Try these three home workouts over the next few days and let us know how you get on by tagging us @HealthistaTV on Instagram doing your sweat thirty home workouts.
Home workout #1 30 minute fat-burning workout for upper body
The routine begins with a short warm-up and is followed by four different sections with small rests between.
Short warm-up
1. Backward lunges alternating sides
2. Inch worms
3. Shake it out
First section:
1. Body weight squats
2. 30 seconds of body weight push ups (if you want to make it easier bring your knees down)
3. Squat and over head press to work your shoulders without any equipments
4. Pike push ups (or hold a pike position)
5. Tricep dips
6. Shake it out for 10 seconds
Repeat three times
Second section:
1. Plank position with feet apart
2. Bring one hand on the shoulder and tap, then bring the hands to the knee and tap. Do it with both hands
3. Jump in and jump out, then push up
4. Backwards lunge with overhead presses
Repeat three times
Third section:
1. Plank jacks
2. Plank and lift alternating arms (use weight if possible)
3. Plank to elbows
4. Spidermans (plank knees to elbows)
Repeat three times
The finisher
Do two moves for four minutes, 20 seconds per move followed by 20 seconds rest and repeat four times:
1. Star jumps then dips to toes (or jumping jacks)
2. Chest to the floor burpees with drop downs
Home workout #2 30 minute fat-burning workout for lower body
The routine begins with a short warm-up and is followed by four different sections with small rests between.
Short warm-up
1. Roll shoulders
2. Body weight squats
3. Curtsy lunge
4. Backwards lunge
5. Body weight squats
6. Curtsy lunge
First section:
1. Sumo squat (Advanced option – lift heels)
2. Backward lunge kick – one side
3. Backward lunge – change side
4. Shake it out for 10 seconds
Repeat three times
Second section:
1. Narrow legged jump squat x two to wide legged jump squat x two and keep repeating (Beginner option – Narrow to wide squats without jump)
2. Split lunge – one side (Advanced option – raise heels)
3. Split lunge – change side (Advanced option – raise heels)
4. Narrow ski jump
Repeat three times
Third section:
1. Backward lunge to one knee raising jump – one side (beginner option – backward lunge only)
2. Backward lunge to one knee raising jump – change side (beginner option – backward lunge only)
3. Body weight squat with two pulses
4. Hip thrust (Advanced option – raise heels)
The finisher
1. Split lunge squat switch from side to side – 5 reps each side
2. Jump squat – 10 reps (beginner option – squat without jumping)
3. Burpee – 10 reps (beginner option – half burpee)
Home workout #3 30 minute fat-burning workout for abs
The routine begins with a short warm-up and is followed by four different sections with small rests between.
Short warm-up
1. Straight leg walkout
2. Straight leg walkout with a jump
3. Star jumps
4. Backward lunge and kick
5. Repeat once more
First section:
1. Tabletop hand to foot reach and tap
2. Tabletop legs kicks
3. Crunches
4. V-sit hold
5. Shake it out for 10 seconds
Repeat three times
Second section:
1. High pike plank with hip tilts
2. Plank
3. High plank side mountain climber
Repeat three times
Third section:
1. Walkout narrow – jump squat x 2
2. Laying down straight leg raises
3. Wide leg jump squats
Repeat three times
The finisher
1. Skaters – 20 seconds
2. High knees – 20 seconds
3. 20 seconds rest
Repeat three times
Get more free workouts like these by subscribing to the Healthista YouTube channel
Relevant Healthista Content:
30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 30
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